
I couldn't find the sports car of my dreams, so I built it myself
- Ferdinand Porsche

Our collection comprises of a wide variety of cars, all of which have been meticulously built over time. Some of these are one of a kind, discontinued models that represent cars that were popular in an era that has been long forgotten. Classic cars, muscle cars, exotics, hot rods, race cars.... you name it, we have it. Procuring different models, wheels and paints to replicate the minutest of details for each car takes a lot of time, creativity, effort and most importantly.......an excruciating amount of patience. We have scoured the entire world seeking collectors, hobbyists and vendors who share the same passion and drive a hard bargain when it comes to parting with rare items. These cars may look terrific sitting on a shelf but they certainly take on a fiercely competitive personality when their underlying power is unleashed at the punch of the throttle. Our collection is continuously growing so stay tuned to this page to learn about new additions to our fleet...